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  • Ana

Is Up the Only Way? Rethinking Career Progression for Executive Assistants

Updated: Nov 29, 2023

Let's get straight to the point. Being an Executive Assistant (EA) is not just about managing calendars or taking notes in meetings.

It's a complex role that requires a diverse skill set, quick thinking, and an ability to adapt to the unexpected.

steps on a wall leading to a lightbulb moment

In this piece, I'm exploring the world of EAs, not just to highlight what they do, but to delve into how they can evolve in their careers. I'll discuss how EAs can apply their unique skills in new roles and how they can keep their current position engaging and challenging. So, if you’re an EA looking to shake things up or simply curious about this dynamic role, you’re in the right place.

The first thing to consider is whether or not you actually LIKE your job. Theres an underlying bias towards the administrative profession that assumes that it´s nothing more than a stepping stone to another career, but in actual fact, most of the EA´s I´ve spoken to love their job role, they´re just not entirely sure what the next step is. So what are the options to ensure that you can move your career in the way you want it whilst maintaining and amplifying your skill set?

First Things First

Let´s get down to what that skill set is.

  1. Communication Skills: EAs exhibit proficiency in both written and verbal communication, essential for roles requiring strong client interaction.

  2. Organizational Skills: Their mastery in managing schedules and events translates well into project management and operations.

  3. Problem-Solving Abilities: The ability to tackle unexpected challenges is crucial in crisis management and roles requiring swift decision-making.

  4. Technological Proficiency: Their familiarity with various office tools makes them suitable for tech support or data management roles.

  5. Discretion and Confidentiality: Handling sensitive information prepares them for positions in legal assistance or HR.


So where can that take you?

Well, we know what you can do, but I would suggest that the first thing to look at is what you actually enjoy doing. What facet of your current role is it that you love the most? Is it the organizational aspect? Maybe a move into event planning could be the change you´re looking for. There´s no point in pivoting into a role that you don´t like, so really take the time to breakdown what aspects of your job you do and don´t like before you make any decisions.

Remember as well, career development doesn´t have to be linear. There´s no reason why you should aim to be the Chief of Staff if what you want is to make a move into project planning. And what about if actually, you just love your role, but your worried about it becoming a bit, well, repetitive.

How do you go about maintaining your interest, without changing your title?

Maintaining the EA Role Without Stagnation

  1. Continual Learning: Staying updated with new technologies and methodologies is crucial.

  2. Networking and Mentorship: Building a professional network and seeking mentors can open new perspectives and opportunities.

  3. Seeking New Challenges: Taking on new responsibilities within the organization can prevent stagnation.

  4. Personal Development: Enhancing soft skills like leadership and emotional intelligence can enrich the EA role.


The role of an Executive Assistant is dynamic and multifaceted, offering myriad career advancement pathways. This position, often perceived as simply administrative, actually encompasses a spectrum of skills that are critical in today's fast-paced business world. By leveraging your diverse abilities — from impeccable organization to adept problem-solving — and embracing continual learning and development, you open yourself to a range of career opportunities. This journey isn't just about climbing the corporate ladder; it's about enriching your professional experience, ensuring your role remains engaging and rewarding.

Adaptability, proactivity, and a willingness to embrace new experiences are key. In an ever-evolving business landscape, these qualities are not just beneficial; they are essential. As you navigate through your career, remember that each challenge is an opportunity to demonstrate your invaluable contribution to your organization. Your role as an Executive Assistant is more than a job; it's a platform for continuous personal and professional growth.

Embrace the fluidity of your role, seek opportunities for innovation, and always aim to bring a fresh perspective to your tasks. As you do so, you will not only grow in your career but also inspire those around you. Executive Assistants, with their unique blend of skills and versatility, are poised to not just thrive but also to redefine the boundaries of their roles, making an indelible impact on their organizations and setting a standard for excellence in the administrative profession.


Want to take action right away?

Check out our resources page, which is filled with downloadable PDFs that cover topics from email management all the way to corporate event management tips and course recommendations.

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